About us

Jabal Enterprises we are working since 10 years Jabal Enterprises is one of the largest privately agricultural business company in Pakistan and Export their goods around the world, we are providing export quality of Products.



Jabal Enterprises performing Agricultural Processing since 10 years, Jabal Enteprises was founded in the year 2011.Jabal Enterprises has grown into a Groups of companies & one of the best service provider and top exporter within all expertise of agricultural products.

Our Objective

  • Values of our clients / we have values of our clients.
  • We have a quality-conscious organization.

  • We export the best quality agricultural products.

  • We follow all health standards.

  • We provide organic agricultural products.

Our Motive

our mission

We provide highest-quality agricultural products to our clients. Consider ourselves the caretakers and ambassadors of Pakistan’s Organic agricultural products. We want to preserve the integrity and origin of Pakistani Agricultural products by doing research and development so that famers can cultivate it more efficiently and buyers will easily able to savor it.

our mission

While Jabal Enteprises Agricultural products processing priorities quality above quantity, we continue to aim to be the region’s lowest-cost Agricultural producer. Our objective is to make the most efficient use of our resources in order to enhance the long-term fertility of Pakistani soil. We also examine and modify our crop management techniques on a regular basis to improve environmental and socioeconomic outcomes Agricultural production’s effects we appreciate and are appreciative for our customers’ continuous support.

our quality

At Jabal Enterprises, we believe in the highest quality, and
we work hard to preserve it. We invest in our employees and build long-term
relationships with our stakeholders, suppliers, and other members of the

Directors's Statment

A message from
our Director

Jabal Enterprises, business conditioning are driven by our charge to widen the world of “lusciousness and Enjoyment ” and meet all prospects regarding “ Health and Reassurance ”. Our product range includes rice of all kinds, wheat and other goods that are inestimable to the diurnal lives of all generations of consumers.
At this point in time, the world faces global warming, food dearths
caused by population growth, and marine pollution caused by plastics. thus, the interest in the Sustainable Development Goals( SDGs) of the United Nations is growing. Amid similar circumstances, we’ve launched our 2021 Business Plan as the first step towards our 2027 Vision, our long- term strategy, in July 2021.
In FYE 2020, the alternate time of the business plan, for domestic operations, we’ve agreed to launch our products into the original request to increase deals and profitability. At the new exploration institute that will be inaugurated in January 2021

Mahesh Kumar